Sunday 21 June 2009

soo much fun!

I thougth today would suck soo bad! I mean, I really thought i'd have to baby sit an 8 year old while watching my brother and his girlfriend act all lovey dovey all day at the caravan site :) But HEY! believe it or not!?? i loved ittt!! purrely loved it!! i did keep the little girl companyt but it wasnt as hard as i thought it would've been.. I lve watching my brothert and his GF to have finally spend time together and see how affectionate they are towards each other.. I love the way they annoy each other and then make up in the end lol.. it's soo cuute! I wish i could be with someone i would be happy with.. just like them :D
We did alot of things together and my brother paid for everything lool.. poor guy.. :P we hired this bike and cycled around the caravan park! it hurted my butt! damn! lol.. We also spent most of the time in the arcade winning and collecting as much tickets as possible...we ended up collecting 413 tickets and got it replaced with two teddy keyring which my brother and his gf had.. and a lucky teddy keyring for mee!! :D
I love the bit where we went to the lake and just had loads of chats and laughed together. it was amazing the sun is right and the breeze feels good on our skin.
I wish I could be this happy all the time. forgetting about everything lol everything taht makes me all bumbed and pessimists :P

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